
November 25, 2010

Nov 23rd 2010:Rajendra Agriculture University scientists assure the Yatris that their concerns will be kept in mind while planning future work; Farmers of Vidya Jhamp village declare themselves GM-Free; Public meeting at Press Club, Muzaffarpur

The day started with Bihari hospitality – after a sumptuous breakfast, we set off for the first event of the day - a debate with the scientists at Rajendra Agriculture University, Samastipur. This is a special university, which refused to take up a GM maize trial for Monsanto last year. Dr. B.C. Chauwdhary, Director-Research chaired the dialogue between the University scientists and the Yatris. What was supposed to have been a 45-minute interaction got extended to hours of conversation which ended only around 2 pm. More...

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