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November 12th 2010: Yatra enters Chattisgarh through the Jeypore tract; State Government waives road taxes for the Yatra!

We camped in the office building of RCDC (our thanks to them for accommodating us) in a couple of rooms where the yatris slept in the small space cozily next to each other given the chill descending in the nights as winter comes in, it was not clear when the night ended and the day began! – the yatris were getting ready for November 12th by using the one toilet in the office in turns, as they took a bath and then went back to sleep since we had an early start scheduled. More...

November 10th 2010: Huge, colorful, festive rally in Visakhapatnam – Adivasis turn out in huge numbers along with dalit agricultural workers, to highlight specific issues of concern

For the Yatris, the day began on the beachfront, after we reached Visakhapatnam at around 2.30 am. We were put up in a youth hostel on the beach road and the sea beckoned many. “We began on one coast and here we are, on another coast”, remarked one of the Yatris. More...

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