Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture (ASHA)

Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture or ASHA-Kisan Swaraj network is a volunteer-driven large informal network of organisations and individuals that initially came together in 2010 to organise a Kisan Swaraj Yatra, a nation-wide mobilisation to draw attention to issues pertaining to our FOOD, FARMERS, FREEDOM. The network’s associates consist of farmers’ organisations, consumer groups, women’s organisations, environmental organisations, individual citizens and experts who are committed to the cause of sustainable and viable farm livelihoods in rural India including by ensuring that productive resources are in the control of farming communities and thereby, safe, nutritious, diverse and adequate food is available for all Indians.

ASHA works with a mission to strengthen sustainable agricultural livelihoods and food diversity/safety/nutrition by re-orienting policies, practices and public consciousness, towards a holistic vision of social, environmental and economic justice as described in the Kisan Swaraj Neeti. It is a network that enables, and draws upon synergies of collective wisdom and action, based on mutual trust and respect.

From the dialogues that emerged during the Kisan Swaraj Yatra and subsequent work, ASHA articulates a 4-pillared Kisan Swaraj Neeti and calls on governments to adopt the same. The four pillars of Kisan Swaraj Neeti are (1) income security for farm households; (2) ecological sustainability of agriculture; (3) people’s control over agricultural resources like land, water and seed; and (4) access to safe, healthy, nutritious and sufficient food for all. The Kisan Swaraj Neeti is conscious of, and sensitive to structural issues of discrimination and marginalisation, and seeks to address those within this policy framework.

Recent posts


Response to NAC Working Group Recommendations on ‘Enhancing farm income for smallholder through market integration’

The NAC has created a Working Group of its members in July 2012, on the subject of ‘Enhancing Farm Income for Small Holders through Market Integration’ which has put its draft recommendations in the public domain on 14th January 2013, seeking feedback (the draft recommendations can be accessed at
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Jan 8th, 2013: Workshop on Sustainable Agriculture, Patna

WORKSHOP ON SUASTAINABLE AGRICULTURE (Practices & Policies in Bihar) Venue: IInd Floor, Hall No. 3 A.N.Sinha Institute, Patna Date: 08-01-2013 Time: 11 AM onwards Expert: Dr. G V Ramanjaneyulu, Director (Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabaad)   Thanking you, Pankaj Bhushan Convener, GM Free Bihar Movement Patna 9472999999/9308305339

Resolutions adopted on the 29th of November 2012 at the Jan Sansad held at Jantar Mantar

Community Rights on Land, Water, Forest and Mineral Resources and Right to Participate in Development Plans – Sustaining Agricultural Livelihoods 1.      Our country is gifted with abundant natural resources such as land, water, forests, minerals etc. According to our constitution, the people have the primary right on these resources. The...
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