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October 4th 2010 – From the Sabarkantha – Panchmahal route

“PROJECT SUNSHINE SOWING SEEDS OF DISASTER IN TRIBAL GUJARAT” “FARMERS REJECT MONSANTO’S HYBRID MAIZE” “The yellow maize is ending up contaminating our own maize, say tribal farmers” It was around 7.15 pm and the sky was brilliant with millions of stars shining brightly on us. Men and women sat together in this meeting in the village - Vangad. “We know better than to sow that hybrid maize given in the project. We take what the NGOs give us – throw away the seed, sow our own ‘safed makka’ and keep the chemical fertilizer. Even with the fertilizer, we don’t use all of it and sell away what we don’t need”, explained a young farmer, making us all burst into amazed laughter. We were told that this village is quickly going back to their own maize after trying out hybrid maize supplied by Monsanto. More...

October 3rd 2010 – From the Mehsana-Sabarkantha route in Gujarat

“Madasana Cumpa villagers vow to keep GM foods away” “Bt Cotton crop has dried up this year” After a very somber meeting in Gujarat Vidya Peeth where speakers like Anupam Mishra (Gandhi Marg/Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi) and Dr Sudarshan Iyengar (Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Vidya Peeth, a higher education institution founded by Gandhi ji) brought out many issues of injustice and inequity in rural India today, pertaining to “Swaraj”, the Kisan Swaraj Yatra began following a complex plan of events over the next days with all Yatris divided up into four teams. More...

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