Sept. 25th, 2020: Weedicide-free farming webinar
Weedicide-free Farming : Science, Practices and Policies
Date: 25th September (Friday), 2020
Time: 3.30 pm ( India Time: UTC +5.30)
Zoom Meeting ID : 822 4535 1171 Pass Code : 388458
Register at :http://bit.ly/3icpG9J
Register at :http://bit.ly/3icpG9J
Abstract :
Chemical intensive farming coupled with reducing crop-biodiversity has led to a situation, where weeds are considered as a serious problem in Indian agriculture. So called scientific intervention for weed management mostly focussed on recommending chemical weedicides. Many farmers also now think that spraying toxic weedicides is the most practical solution ignoring facts about various uses of weeds and ecological and health related risks of weedicides.
ASHA Kisan Swaraj , a nation-wide network of volunteers working for promotion of agroecology based farming systems will present some farm level experiences to make participants understand the science and practices related to weed management and need of policy interventions.
We will have *a scientist and 9 other speakers* *(mostly practising farmers)* from different Agroecological zones of India with experience in different crops as speakers for this webinar.
The presentations will be both in *English, Hindi and a couple of other Indian languages*. There will be translations (of the gist) following each presentation.
Organizers invite *comments and questions* during the registration as well as during the programme.
Register at :http://bit.ly/3icpG9J