
Sept.18th, 2020: Webinar on “Glyphosate – Lessons for India”

Invitation to register for a webinar on Glyphosate: Lessons for India

18th Sept. (Friday), 2020, 3.30pm (India Time)

Register at: https://bit.ly/338SBF7

Zoom Meeting ID: 829 5264 4696
Pass Code: 117244


Glyphosate is one of the most controversial agro-chemicals debated world over in the last two decades. Initially claimed to be ‘safer than table salt’, it has been classified as ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’ by  International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of WHO in 2015.

After introduction of Herbicide Tolerant (HT) genetically modified (GM) crops in some countries, its use has increased tremendously leading to health and ecological consequences. Countries, regions/counties/cities are taking preventive steps now. In India, Union Government is inviting public comments to a proposal to restrict its use through only licensed operators.

ASHA Kisan Swaraj, a nation-wide network of volunteers working for promotion of agroecology-based farming systems will present some global and national level experiences to draw lessons for India based on scientific evidences on this topic.

Distinguished Speakers:

1) Dr. Peter Clausing has worked with FDA and is now associated with Pesticide Action Network in Germany. He will speak about relation between cancer and Glyphosate.

2)  Dr. Nicolas Defarge is a scientist who will give evidences of impact of large scale use of this weedicide in  Argentina, where he is working.

3) Dr. Suman Sahai, a scientist who has had a distinguished career in genetics will help us draw lessons in the background of uncontrolled and illegal cultivation of glyphosate-resistant cotton leading to increasing use of this chemical in India.

4) Dr. Ashwani Mahajan from Swadeshi Jagaran Manch will enlighten the audience with his experience about efforts to ban this molecule in India.

The presentations will be made in English with a brief translation in Hindi.

Organizers invite comments and questions during the registration as well as during the programme.