
Sept 27th-28th 2015: Skillshare Course on Organic Markets, Chennai

This Course has been designed to cover various “models” – ones that have initiated their interventions at the retail end; ones that began at the producer end; ones that just facilitated producer-consumer platforms; ones that have been started within a state government etc. While most are about Rural to Urban marketing of organic produce, we also endeavoured to include material on Rural to Rural marketing. Some regulatory aspects will also be covered in the course. Questions we will seek to explore answers for, which are often questions that various enthusiastic individuals and organisations are grappling with:

–          How do we ensure genuine organic (whether and what model of certification to adopt)?

–          What about fund flow for capital costs and running costs (incl. govt schemes)?

–          What institutional shape should I have for my producers’ collective or for my retail business?

–          At what scale should I be operating?

Day 1: September 27th 2015 (Sunday)

Time Slot, including Discussions


Facilitators/Resource Persons

Broad Scope

10.00 am to 10.30 am Welcome, Quick Introductions & Introduction to the Course Ananthoo & Kavitha Kuruganti This will cover the structure of the Course as well as the broad contours of what do we mean by farmer-centric ethical organic markets
10.30 am to 10.45 am TEA BREAK
10.45 am to 01.15 pm ReStore Radhika Rammohan/Ananthoo Perspectives and Experience from the retail / distribution end
  OFM (Organic Farmers’ Market) Ananthoo
01.15 pm to 02.00 pm LUNCH
02.00 pm to 04.15 pm Dharani Organic FAM Cooperative, of Timbaktu Collective Murugesan Perspectives and Experience from the producers’ end
  SVAD of Tribal Health Initiative Dr Regi
04.15 pm to 04.30 pm TEA BREAK
4.30 pm to 5.00 pm Gurgaon Farmers’ Market / food processing & VA tips Manas Arvind Farmer-Consumer direct marketing platforms
5.00 pm to 05.45 pm “Sangam Market: Market of the Walkouts” A film by Deccan Development Society Rural-Rural Markets
05.45 pm to 06.45 pm Overview of other similar initiatives across India and summing up Jacob John (along with Kavitha / Ananthoo)  




Day 2: September 28th 2015 (Monday)

Time Slot, including Discussions


Facilitators/Resource Persons

Broad Scope

09.00 am to 09.45 am Melas of Sahaja Samrudha Krishna Prasad, over skype Direct Marketing
09.45 am to 11.00 am What can governments do?: The initiatives in Karnataka Dr Ramakrishnappa Advocacy ideas for your state governments
11.00 am to 11.15 am TEA BREAK
11.15 am to 01.00 pm Farmers’ Collectives: Institutional structures possible: the case of Chetna Organic Nanda Kumar Institutional shape to farmers’ collectives
  Commodity value chain: Case ofTulaIndia Ananthoo & Suresh Lakshmipathy Intervention possibilities on a single commodity value chain
01.00 pm to 02.00 pm LUNCH
02.00 pm to 03.45 pm Regulatory issues: FSSAI/certification models etc. All resource persons Different approaches showcased
03.45 pm to 04.00 pm TEA BREAK
04.00 pm to 05.00 pm OPEN HOUSE All resource persons  




ASHA is inviting applications for a paid skillshare course on “Organic Markets that Empower Farmers & Consumers”. The course fee covers food, accommodation and course materials.

You can download the Course announcement along with the application form here.

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