
Haryana Chief Minister releases new book from ASHA: Ecological Agriculture in India – Scientific Evidence on Positive Impacts

ASHA, with help from Thanal, Living Farms, INSAF and Jatan Trust, came up with a new publication of more than 400 studies, peer-reviewed and published and mostly from the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in India, which shows the overwhelming evidence that already exists on the positive impacts of organic farming. Please note that we have not included studies from outside India in this compilation.

This compilation, divided into sections that deal with Productivity, Profitability, Social Benefits, Validation of Organic Practices and also list out Challenges for organic farming as per these hundreds of studies is a very useful tool for everyone in the Organic Farming Movement, and is also useful for policy makers.

Putting this compilation together is an effort that seeks to break false questions around organic farming’s productivity, viability, scientifically of practices etc. This book shows that it is only a matter of political will and everything else is a ruse, for not having our extension systems centered around Organic. You can download the book here.

You can download your copy of the book here.

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