Associated Websites
- For understanding approaches, techniques and practices related to Ecological Farming, please do visit http://krishi.tv.
- On the issue of Chemical Pesticides, please do visit www.indiaforsafefood.in
- For learning more about Genetically Modified Organisms in the Indian context, please do visit www.indiagminfo.org
- ASHA has also created an online portal to facilitate information flows between organic producers and procurers for better marketing of organic produce. Please visit www.ecofarmersmarket.in for more information.
- A website that has resources related to Food Fortification has videos and fact finding reports from Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh on India’s large scale rice fortification efforts: https://community-holistic-nutrition.blogspot.com
- Resources on Digitisation in Indian Agriculture are available here.
- Development and Application of a Farm Assessment Index (which is a composite index) for holistic comparison of different farming models is an effort of ASHA along with IIT Bombay’s CTARA (2018).
- “SMALL ORGANIC RETAIL IS BEAUTIFUL“ – a booklet on organic produce marketing initiatives that empower producers and consumers (2013).
- “SERVING DEATH“ is a report that ASHA brought out to mark the first anniversary of the Bihar Mid Day Meal tragedy where children were killed due to pesticide poisoning (2014).
- We brought out a booklet called “CAN GM AND ORGANIC CO-EXIST IN INDIA” and presented arguments as to why these two approaches cannot co-exist and how GM would mean inevitable contamination of organic (2014).
- A recent endeavour has been to compile scientific studies that exist within the NARS in India to show the SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ON POSITIVE IMPACTS OF ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE (2015).
- The report of the workshop that ASHA organised along with XIM-Bhubaneshwar on “Markets that Empower Farmers & Consumers” on July 30th and 31st 2012 can be accessed here. Embedded towards the end of this report (on page 43) is a link which will take you to various presentations used in the workshop.
- A roadmap for scaling up Ecological Agriculture has been created by ASHA and the same is downloadable here.
On Public Private Partnership projects on Hybrid Seeds: