“Badnagar citizens promise to take the message of the Kisan Swaraj Yatra to 110 villages in the coming days even as the Yatra moves on”
“Sarangi village panchayat will promote ecological farming with its farmers”
Bright yellows, oranges and greens – the turbans of the farmers who were attending the weekly haat (village market) in Sarangi village were standing out bright and brilliant. Women were out in great numbers too, not just purchasing things but also selling various assorted things starting from agricultural implements like sickles to vegetables and clothes. Our slogans which summed up the messages and mood of the Kisan Swaraj Yatra were greeted with vigorous nods by farmers and shrill shouts from a sizeable group of inspired kids. We started stopping wherever possible and quickly interacted with farmers who gathered around with great curiosity. “Swaraj Yatra ka sandesh, apna beej, apna desh”, “jal, jangal, beej, zameen – ho kisano ke adheen”, “takht badal do, taaj badal do – kisaan virodhi raaj badal do”, “Khet hamaare, beej tumhaare – nahin chalega, nahin chalega” found great resonance with all the local people including the traders. Pretty soon, the locals were shouting slogans with us. We sat in the mandir and started interacting with the farmers who gathered – there was a sizeable group of nearly hundred women and men who started interacting with the yatris. The temple public address system was brought out and more people gathered. Women leaning out of little wooden balconies, people coming out of their homes and sitting on the front steps and listening to the discussions – we are sure that this little Kasbah town will remember the Kisan Swaraj Yatra for some time to come. The woman sarpanch of the town arranged quick snacks for us and there was a resolution that the Panchayat will put in all efforts to promote ecological farming with all its farmers and will soon organize discussions and trainings on this issue.
We then moved to Badnavar in Dhar district where we were welcomed with warm hospitality and a great lunch served by the Principal of a school who decided to cook for all of us with her own hands as her expression of solidarity with the cause.
There was a film screening and before that, local journalists, lawyers, educators and some students gathered to interact with the Yatris. Khushal Singh Purohit, who is a writer in Environment Digest, spoke in an inspiring fashion and he said that he was very happy that such a Yatra has set off – IT IS ALREADY LATE IN MANY WAYS – A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND INSPIRATION TO INDIAN FARMERS, AND AN EXPRESSION OF SERIOUS SOLIDARITY WITH THESE FARMERS IS LONG OVERDUE, he said. We all felt that this is very true.
The last meeting for the day was in Badnagar with some poets, writers, traders and salaried citizens of this town in Ujjain district of MP. The SDM was the Chief Guest and the Chairman of the Municipal Council chaired the meeting. By the end of the meeting, the organizers (Kisan Swaraj Yatra Samanvay Samiti, Badnagar and Geeta Bhawan Trust) announced that they will take the message of the Yatra to all the 110 villages of the block, at least thousand petitions will be sent to the Chairperson of the National Advisory Council and that a representative team will join the Rajghat event on December 11th.