Tell the Indian government to put farmers first

Everywhere the Kisan Swaraj Yatra has gone, the message from the people is that such a large mobilization to save agriculture is the crying need today. Thousands have signed petitions and donated on the streets. Now, you can join this movement by writing to the Indian government to put farmers first, and then telling all your friends and family to write too.

Dear Smt. Sonia Gandhi,

We are deeply troubled that the key policy-makers in this country including the Prime Minister are pursuing a vision of development that is creating a hostile environment for farmers, forcing them flee farming in distress. We are driven by a sense of urgency that a whole new paradigm for Indian agriculture is required, which is centered on secure livelihoods for the farming community, preserving their control over seeds, land and water, and promoting agricultural methods which do not destroy the natural resources that the farmer depends on.

We, as citizens, farmers and consumers, are taking part in and supporting the nation-wide KISAN SWARAJ YATRA. With the firm belief that India can and should chart a new course for building a pro-farmer, ecologically sustainable agricultural economy, and that pursuing the corporate-dominated Western agricultural model will be a historic disaster not only for the farmers but for the rural and urban economies as a whole, we present to the Government of India our charter of demands.

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