
Jul. 5th, 2014: Safe Food Mela, Anna Nagar Tower Park, Chennai

Safe Food Alliance & Organic Farmers Market (OFM)

Jointly organise

Safe Food Mela



Organic Snacks, millets recipes, Sale of Organic products

Awareness Exhibition: org Millets, Pottery products, Gardening n composting tips, Hand woven natural dyed organic Tula garments

3.00 P.M to 7.00 PM, Saturday July 5th 2014

Anna Nagar Tower Park, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 600 040

Thanks to Chennai Corporation, Chennai citizens can look forward to an interesting and informative Safe Food Mela to create awareness about toxic chemical residues in food and urging consumers to switch to safe organic alternatives. This mela is the combined effort of several non-profit organizations, youngsters spearheading the organic foods movement and organic enterprises. The Mela is expected to be attended by personalities from the film world, musicians, writers and intellectuals.

Thudumbattam (old traditional tamil instrument and dance) by ex-NSS students of Pachaiyappas at 3.30 PM, followed by Street play by EFI.

The Safe Food Mela is part of a state-wide campaign and awareness program lauched by Safe Food Alliance which seeks to promote chemical-free farming and alternatives to toxic technologies like synthetic pesticides and Genetically Modified foods and educate consumers about the perils of poison on our plates and help them go organic.

The Safe Food Mela in Anna Nagar will have organic outlets setting up their stalls with a variety of products (fresh greens, millets, traditional rices, honey, snacks etc.), as also food-stalls selling tasty ready to eat organic and traditional food. Awareness material about toxics in foods, traditional and safe foods, pottery, composting and urban gardening will also be on display.

The Safe Food Mela promises to offer fun for the entire family, and the opportunity to change the way you consume food. After all, as the saying goes, You Are What You Eat! Enjoy the joys of organic food, and join the Safe Food Movement.

For more information contact

Gopi Ananthoo Kalairaj

(OFM) (Safe Food Alliance) (OFM)

Cell: 9790900887 Cell: 9444166779 Cell: 9841182900

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