
Ahmedabad: Events for you on Nov 2-3-4, 2018 Kisan Swaraj Sammelan!

Gujarat Vidyapith which is organising 4th Kisan Swaraj Sammelan along with ASHA, hosted by Jatan, is glad to announce various events for urban citizens of Ahmedabad and nearby cities, during Nov. 2-3-4, 2018 in Ahmedabad. These include kitchen gardening workshops, public lectures, film screenings, loknaad live singing, seed diversity festival and forest foods display, exhibition, hand spinning workshops etc. The attached posters give you more details. Please find links here for online prior registration for kitchen gardening workshops and public lectures, and for traditional organic meals. Kindly publicise the events widely.

Register here for Kitchen Gardening workshops: Kitchen Gardening    http://goo.gl/hAvNSJ
Register here for Public Lectures: Public Lectures   goo.gl/LK9Ghi
(Organic traditional meals are available on purchase of coupons on-the-spot, but only with prior registration for the above two events)






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