
Sept.25-26th, 2014: Brainstorming Session on Practices and Policies for Rebuilding India’s Soils

The diverse challenges and constraints as growing population, increasing food, feed and fodder needs, natural resource degradation, climate change, shifts in land use patterns, increasing desertification, decreasing factor productivity, agriculture becoming economically unviable, increasing farmer suicides, growing small and marginal farmers demand a paradigm shift in formulating and implementing the agricultural programmes in India.  In this regard, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) and Indian Society of Agro-Ecology (ISAE) are organising a series of workshops to consolidate learnings from the field and formulate a way forward for a sustainable ‘Future of Farming’ in India. Second in this series is on ‘Practices and Policies for Rebuilding India’s Soils’ on 25th-26th September, 2014. Venue: NIRD, Hyderabad. Please contact Dr Ramoo for more information, at 09000699702.

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