
Kisan Swaraj Neeti

ASHA (Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture), from the dialogues that emerged during the Kisan Swaraj Yatra and subsequent work, articulates a 4-pillared Kisan Swaraj Neeti and calls on governments to adopt the same. This policy articulation provides a framework for a forward-looking agricultural policy approach for India.

The four pillars of Kisan Swaraj are income security for farmers; ecological sustainability of agriculture; people’s control over resources like land, forests, water and seed; and access to safe, healthy, sufficient food for all. Based on the Kisan Swaraj Neeti framework first fleshed out in 2011, ASHA had subsequently put out a Charter of Demands in early 2014.

ASHA Charter of Demands (Kisan Swaraj Neeti, brief) (In Hindi) (In Gujarati)

Longer Explanatory Notes on each of the 4 pillars of Kisan Swaraj Neeti:

Income Security for All Farm Households (In Hindi)

Seed and Land related Sovereignty with Farming Communities (In Hindi)

Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture (In Hindi)

Safe, Diverse, Nutritious & Adequate Food for All (In Hindi)




You can download the Kisan Swaraj Neeti here (December 2011).

A shorter version of the Kisan Swaraj Neeti can be accessed here.



The detailed proposals with regard to Income Security for all Farm Households can be seen here. The same have been articulated as a Farmers’ Income Guarantee Act proposal in this August 2012 version.

Very often, we are asked various questions of clarification as well as dilemmas around our income security proposals. In June 2014, we put out a FAQs note on this.

ASHA’s discussion note on Price Compensation system for cultivators is given here (this is also referred to as Price Deficiency Payment by some others).

(The above is a discussion note. This is in the context of a substantial number of farmers being left out of the current “MSP and procurement” systems and the many shortcomings of these systems, wherein even the cost of cultivation is not getting covered by the prices of the produce, leave alone leave any living income for farmers for a dignified life. Any feedback might be sent to Kavitha Kuruganti at kavitha.kuruganti@gmail.com).



The proposals with regard to Scaling Up of Ecological Farming (as submitted to the Planning Commissions’ Steering Committee on Agriculture for the 12th Plan) can be accessed here. A more recent version of the same (2015) is downloadable here. 



What we seek on the SEEDS front is articulated in this note, downloadable here.

Our note on Land Rights, with our stand related to the Land Acquisition Bill (along with other people’s movements and farmers’ unions) is given here. The hindi version of this note is present here.



ASHA Charter of Demands (Kisan Swaraj Neeti, brief) (In Hindi) (In Gujarati)

Longer Explanatory Notes on each of the 4 pillars of Kisan Swaraj Neeti:

Income Security for All Farm Households (In Hindi)

Seed and Land related Sovereignty with Farming Communities (In Hindi)

Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture (In Hindi)

Safe, Diverse, Nutritious & Adequate Food for All (In Hindi)



FOR THE KISAN SWARAJ SAMMELAN IN HYDERABAD IN APRIL 2016, DISCUSSION NOTES WERE CREATED ON VARIOUS THEMES THAT ASHA WORKS ON. These discussion notes are given below, in addition to the Introductory Note on ASHA that was circulated to the participants and an Introduction to the Resource Persons who dealt with these themes during the Sammelan.

1. Land Rights

2. Income Security

3. Seed Sovereignty

4. Women Farmers’ Rights

5. Free Trade and Agriculture

6. Ecological Agriculture

7. Synthetic Pesticides

8. GMOs in our food, farming & environment

An introduction to ASHA
Brief Intros to Resource Persons in Kisan Swaraj Sammelan


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