Condimentum Ipsum Vestibulum

What is Food Fortification?


We are a large group of people who powered movement fighting for a green and peaceful future for your land, forest, oceans, foods, climate and pass the green earth to our children. Each one of us can make small changes in our lives, but together we can change the world. 

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Nov 23rd 2010:Rajendra Agriculture University scientists assure the Yatris that their concerns will be kept in mind while planning future work; Farmers of Vidya Jhamp village declare themselves GM-Free; Public meeting at Press Club, Muzaffarpur

The day started with Bihari hospitality – after a sumptuous breakfast, we set off for the first event of the day - a debate with the scientists at Rajendra Agriculture University, Samastipur. This is a special university, which refused to take up a GM maize trial for Monsanto last year. Dr. B.C. Chauwdhary, Director-Research chaired the dialogue between the University scientists and the Yatris. What was supposed to have been a 45-minute interaction got extended to hours of conversation which ended only around 2 pm. More...

November 22nd 2010: Yatra enters Bihar – interacts with farmers, farmer leaders and intellectuals in Patna; Rally, interaction with children and outreach to hundreds of citizens in Musallahpur bazaar

The Yatra entered Bihar today and the 3-day trip in Bihar began with a public meeting at Srikrishna Vigyan Kendra, Patna. The meeting was attended by farmers, farmer leaders with various unions, students from schools and colleges, urban consumers, media representatives and an ex-Minister, ex-MLA and so on and was chaired by the Chairperson of the State Farmers’ Commission, Dr Upendranath Verma (an active person in his 90s), who was also a former Minister for Rural Development. More...

November 21st 2010: Yatra reaches Jharkhand – Public Meeting and Rally at Ranchi

13th state, 51st day of the Yatra was marked by our entry into Jharkhand. It was another early start for the yatris where we all woke up before 4 am and left soon after, from “Basudha”. Everyone knew that it was going to be a long day ahead, since we were to leave for Patna, after the Ranchi programme. Some 700 kms in one single day to reach Patna in the early hours of November 22nd, at 2.20 am. We were witness to beautiful scenery and got to see the largest rainfed-paddy-growing state in India! More...

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