Condimentum Ipsum Vestibulum

What is Food Fortification?


We are a large group of people who powered movement fighting for a green and peaceful future for your land, forest, oceans, foods, climate and pass the green earth to our children. Each one of us can make small changes in our lives, but together we can change the world. 

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December 6th 2010: First Day in Rajasthan – Yatra covers long distances to reach out to citizens in Dhaban village, Hanumangarh town, Ganganagar town and in Gharsana village

The day began at 3 am, as per plan. There was not enough hot water nor was it hot enough; however, Mandeep Singh Dhaliwal’s (a Punjabi engineer who returned from New Zealand after a bout of chronic illness to take up natural farming here) wonderful tea made up for the little practical problems related to waking up so early and taking a cold bath in Rajasthan in the middle of winter. More...

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Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nislet.

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